Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero at "Digital diplomacy, social media, and crisis communication" event Italy in US 10:30 11 years ago 182 Далее Скачать
Laura Howe at "Digital diplomacy, social media, and crisis communication" event Italy in US 9:20 11 years ago 234 Далее Скачать
Richard Boly at "Digital diplomacy, social media, and crisis communication" event Italy in US 5:46 11 years ago 213 Далее Скачать
Digital Diplomacy Series: Beyond Social Media - Embassy of Italy Italy in US 58:06 Streamed 9 years ago 456 Далее Скачать
Digital Diplomacy Series: Diplomacy in the Participatory Age - Embassy of Italy Italy in US 1:30:06 Streamed 9 years ago 396 Далее Скачать
When Digital Diplomacy Goes Live – Digital Diplomacy Series Italy in US 59:11 Streamed 8 years ago 168 Далее Скачать
Claudio Bisogniero (Ambassador of Italy to the United States) Academy for Cultural Diplomacy 5:35 11 years ago 112 Далее Скачать
Digital Diplomacy Series: The new Global Goals in the Digital Age Italy in US 1:00:25 Streamed 9 years ago 1 285 Далее Скачать
Digital Diplomacy Series - The New Generation of Social Italy in US 1:14:12 Streamed 6 years ago 155 Далее Скачать
Digital Diplomacy Series: Real-time world, real-time diplomacy - Embassy of Italy Italy in US 1:00:19 11 years ago 1 486 Далее Скачать
5/7 Digital diplomacy and diplomacy by video conference [The future of (multilateral) diplomacy] DiploFoundation 1:11:45 4 years ago 221 Далее Скачать
Digital Diplomacy Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations 40:38 Streamed 10 years ago 1 306 Далее Скачать
#29 Digital Diplomacy | Corneliu Bjola | StratcomTalks StratcomSummit 13:50 2 years ago 380 Далее Скачать
Digital Diplomacy: A New Era of Advancing Policy Carnegie Endowment 1:09:40 12 years ago 3 412 Далее Скачать
Cultural and Digital Diplomacy During a Global Crisis Avid Learning 1:31:33 3 years ago 268 Далее Скачать